Dredging services covering UK, London, Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex and Camberley.
We are able to offer our purpose built dredging barge for larger projects and our dredger equipped crane barge 'Louise' for smaller projects such as individual moorings and weirs.
Recent case study: Recently, the dredger was used to dredge and clear trees on The River Wey backwaters, using a clam bucket for dredging and a timber grab for trees. The project took place over 3 months to help flood alleviation. The Environment Agency had released funds for carrying out the urgent work after the 2014 floods. The barge has a hold capacity of 20 tons, which makes moving material very effectively.
River & Canal Services
Marine Construction
River & Canal Services
Tug Barge Hire
River & Canal Services
Boat Transport
River & Canal Services
Marine Construction
River & Canal Services
River and Canal Services Ltd.
Inverallan Yard, Forge Road, Kingsley,
Hampshire GU35 9LW.